Saturday, February 11, 2012

Upcycling: Pallet Headboard

Last week I showed you this sneak peek photo.

Well here’s the full shot:

It’s our new king size headboard!

Much to the dismay of our neighbors I’m sure, we’ve had a seemingly endless supply of pallet wood in our driveway since finishing our brick patio. I had so many great plans for using the wood, and I’m making my way through each project slowly but surely. I started with a fairly easy project (my giant memo frame) and decided to try my hand at something more advanced. My design seemed simple enough, but the execution is far from perfect.

Enter exhibit A:

and exhibit B:

Let’s just say I’m not the greatest carpenter. The first time I put this thing together by myself, it fell apart when I lifted it off the ground. Not one to accept defeat, I did what any self respecting (yet desperate) DIYer would do: begged my husband to help me. Now don’t get me wrong, this is a project that really anyone could do-especially if you have nice tools like a nail gun. I just don’t have a lot of experience with woodworking, and rainy day after rainy day was pushing this project to the top of my MUST GET DONE NOW list. I knew it would only take the hubs a little while to repair my headboard. One box of wood screws later, we had frankenstein-ed it together sufficiently. Let me just add that this project in no way reflects my husband’s woodworking skills…he was only doing damage control. I was insistent on the design, imperfect as it was.

Once it was all together, I sanded down the splinters and applied 3 coats of spray-on wood finish. Pallet wood is chemically treated, so you’ll definitely want to use a sealer for any indoor projects. The final product is pretty heavy, so we used 3 triangle tab hangers and coordinating wall hooks (the heavy duty, multiple nail kind). We lucked out that the hook from the old headboard ended up being the perfect height, and it was already marking center…SCORE! You know I hate to measure. But even if I had to, it would have been totally worth it for this result.

Ready to see?

Are you dying??? Cause I am!

I’m sooo glad I decided to put a little ledge on the top, I can’t wait to accessorize it! Even though the hubs was less than enthused at fixing my screw ups and helping me hang this beast, he is really happy with it too. That’s all I really hope for, since most of the time he gives me crazy looks when I’m mid-project. I’m not very good at communicating a master plan, so to speak.  I think we’d do best on one of those shows where the husband goes away for the weekend and comes back to the project finished! I’m just glad he’s still putting up with me :)

Grand total for this project came to under $30 which included screws, menders, sandpaper, sealer, and hanging hardware. I’d say it was money well spent!

****Linking HERE****


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