Monday, March 26, 2012

FruitMonster Garden: Pallet Plot |

Hey America, Spring is Here!

Broccoli and Cauliflower for the Pallet Plot!

Well the temperatures have certainly been heating up back in the U.S. this past month and there is little doubt that spring is in the air! Sure, you might get another wallop of cold front or two before Old Man Winter is finished (with frosts still possible in much the U.S.), but regardless of the specifics, one thing is for certain:

It’s time for YOU to start a garden!

Now I don’t want to hear any excuses.  None of that ‘I don’t have a green thumb’ or ‘I don’t have time’ or ‘I don’t have a space to grow anything’… it’s all NONSENSE!  Yes, I’m calling you out!  You have no excuse, this is the time for you to kick into gear and nurture your inner farmer.

Let’s Garden Ourselves Out of this Mess!

See, if you’re like me, you’re a bit frustrated with all the corporate corruption and political game playing going on in the world today.  From Monsanto getting away with destroying our organic and heirloom seed populations, to the government claiming the right to confiscate all our farmland, we have a lot to be peeved about!  But no matter how you look at it, part of the solution to fixing our broken system and becoming less dependent on this crazed planet killing consumerism machine is to grow our own food.  (Not to mention it will make you healthier…shhhh it’s all a part of my fruitopian fruitmonster plan)

So put aside all your preconceived ideas about how ‘hard’ gardening is… because it’s simply not that difficult!  And there are plenty of resources out there for you to make it easy!  Starting with…

The Pallet Plot!

Put it Anywhere!

Don’t have a place that you can dig up to start a ‘classic’ garden?  Maybe you are surrounded by asphalt or only have a balcony on your apartment?  Perhaps you are not in the best shape or have a bad back and can’t till the dirt as well as you’d like?  Maybe you’re like me and may have to move house soon!

Well look no further than creating your own “Pallet Plot“!  It’s easy!  It’s practically free and it is even portable!

What You’ll Need:

- a wooden pallet (check behind a grocery store near the dumpster!)

- a material to enclose the backside (I used wood)

- staples/nails/screws (depending on your backing)

- compost/dirt (about 75 Liters)

- seeds (greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, herbs)

What Now Fruit Face?

So you basically are one problem solving adventure away from having your own pallet plot:  how do you enclose the back/sides of the pallet?

I used wood from another pallet and screwed the wood planks in place because I wanted mine to be sturdy and portable.  You could also use old canvas, burlap, weed barrier, or maybe even a tarp!  It’s up to you to figure that part out!  Be creative!

Once you’ve covered the backside, you are free to pack in the dirt.  Make sure you stuff it in there firmly enough so that your plants will be able to stand upright, but don’t make the stuff into bricks!  After that, you can start planting!  If you’d like, start your seeds indoors using a seedling starter house like this one!

One last thing, if your pallet gets a lot of sun, be sure to water it often!  Since the pallet is above ground, it won’t retain moisture quite as well!

A Fresh Pallet Plot! Green-age Coming Soon :-D

Dude, That was Easy!

That’s what I’ve been telling you!  And to think, you’ve thought all this time that growing food was hard!  It’s not!  All you have left to do is to remember to water your little green friends and be patient!  Before you know it, you’ll have all sorts of goodies to munch on… and boy will you ever feel fantastic.  Because gardening makes you happy!  But watch out!  It’s a bit addicting…

That’s all for now!  Happy pallet picking!


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