Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Re-Purposed Pallet Homestead

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pallet garden Our Re Purposed Pallet Homestead

When we moved off-grid we knew that infrastructure was important and that we would have to use every resource available to us wisely. So when we found out that a nearby town was giving away wooden pallets we seized the opportunity and have used them for all sorts of needs on our homestead.

winter%20garden Our Re Purposed Pallet Homestead


The original fence put up outside of our small winter garden was thrown together with pallets, screws, and little pieces of plywood here and there.

palletg2 Our Re Purposed Pallet Homestead

The larger 1600 square foot garden area keeps the free-ranging cattle out of the garden with pallets that alternate leaning inward and outward for stability. The space between the leaning pallets can then be planted with a living hedgerow that may eventually replace the older pallets. Chicken wire two layers high keeps rabbits and our chickens out of the garden as well.


This winter we warmed our home with a wood stove that burned mesquite from our land. On particularly cold nights we were able to use a combination of the mesquite and the pallet wood, which burns much hotter.

Cabin Foundation

The temporary cabin that we built when we first got here also utilized these pallets. Cement blocks were placed on the earth and pallets ran between them just below the floor we put in.

chicken%20coop Our Re Purposed Pallet Homestead

Chicken Coop

We received our chickens on fairly short notice so my husband went to work immediately on building a nearly free chicken coop with pallets and other scrap materials. Two kitchen drawers that were taken from our camper were utilized as the nesting boxes and pallets formed the main structure.

They may not last forever and they may not be fancy, but for these homesteaders just trying to get started they have been a huge blessing.

What free materials have you re-purposed to save some dough?


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